Turnaround Scheduling

Turnaround Logistics

Dunn Heat Exchangers, Inc. offer the most extensive range of equipment cleaning services available. With the addition of our newest facility in Bay City, Texas, we offer the highest capacity to clean multiple pieces of equipment simultaneously better than any other company in the country. Multiple cleaning bays for hydroblasting and waterlancing, grit blasting rooms, and thermal decomposition services at both locations give us the ability for the fastest turnaround of your equipment.

“We offer the highest capacity to clean multiple pieces of equipment simultaneously better than any other company in the country. This capacity allows us to handle all of your turnaround logistics needs.”

Continuous Communication

  • Our commitment to customer service means that we will work hand in hand with plant turnaround management with round the clock live updates to keep your refinery turnaround on track. In addition, Dunn offers in-house machining and repair services to remedy any repair needs discovered during the cleaning process, decreasing any additional lag time.
  • We routinely manage time-critical turnaround assignments involving from one to hundreds of pieces of equipment, often requiring integrated technologies. We have proven strategies and technology in place to ensure that you know where your equipment is at all times to stay on schedule.
  • Contact us today for a lunch and learn at your facility or a plant tour at ours, so that you can see our unique capabilities firsthand.